The Comedy Divine

When art and inclusion come together, the unexpected becomes reality.

This is the magic that happened at the Teatro Trianov Viviani in Forcella on 23 and 24 September. The curtain opened and on that stage, for the first time in Naples, the actors and actresses of the Teatro Patologico with the show “La Commedia Divina”, directed by the founder of the Association, the award-winning director and actor, Dario D’Ambrosi.

Challenging prejudice, the mental and physical disability that accompanies the lives of actors and actresses, the stable company of the Pathological Theater has told the fleeting border between normality and madness, the hell of loneliness and marginalization and the paradise of a community welcoming populated by people who don’t look the other way.

A poignant and emotional journey, the one represented in the world premiere, which retraced the Dantesque circles of human oblivion and the most hidden aspects of our society. In Hell, difficult, incomprehensible and bizarre characters, precisely because they were left to vegetate deep inside, have reclaimed their right to tell, to explain and – at least on stage – to come back alive in the consciences of those present with a new lens of analysis and reflection. The profound sense of hope has rekindled the souls of the characters in Purgatory, overcoming that sense of rejection, loneliness and abandonment generated by the weight of marginalization and discrimination, feelings that only in the starry sky of Paradise have left room for understanding and acceptance .

Accompanied by the music of Maestro Francesco Santalucia, the twenty-two actors and actresses of the Pathological Theater expressed every nuance of those fears, those dramas and those anxieties that dwell in the lives of those who are left alone every day, enchanting and moving a packed theater of people.

Protagonists of something more than a simple theatrical performance, these incredible young people became the bearers of a powerful message: art knows no limits, crosses the barriers of indifference and silence, unites apparently distant worlds, creating bridges and connections between individuals.