Social Cohesion

Road Research Unit – Casal di Principe, Afragola and Naples.

Rut Foundation in collaboration with Don Calabria Foundation for Social ETS, has developed 2 Street Research Units in the areas of Casal di Principe – Afragola and Naples, with the aim of implementing a monitoring of the territory with particular attention to the target of young people (11 – 18 years) with the following purposes:
A Providing information and prevention on the issues of conscious sexuality;
B Providing information and prevention on old and new pathological addictions;
C Inform about services present in the area for girls and boys;
D Report cases of hardship and deviance (petty crime, baby gangs, bullying, etc.) and marginalization to the competent social services;
E Implement continuous monitoring in the main places of youth gathering and nightlife;

One of the outcomes of the work of the Street Units will be to present a proposal for the establishment of a working group for the prevention of youth distress and deviance.

Project "Statt'Accort for the promotion of well-being and active citizenship in the contexts of daily life: school, services, social, neighborhoods".

Rut Foundation, the Opera Don Calabria Study Center and the Association for the Promotion and Development of Wellbeing – Esperia, with the co-financing of Banco di Napoli Foundation, have created the “Statt’Accort project, for the promotion of well-being and health in the contexts of daily life: school, social services, neighbourhoods” aimed at the 11-18 age group, in the territories of Naples, Afragola (NA), Caserta and Casal di Principe (CE).

The project aims to establish monitoring on the target of pre-adolescents and adolescents, on the theme of well-being expressed as the right to physical, mental and social health, and at the same time to raise awareness among young and very young people so that they learn, question and are able to create the most favorable conditions to reduce “physical risk factors”, as well as to increase “protective factors”, consisting of specific resources or conditions such as smoking, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, alcohol and drug abuse) e (individual, family).

To date, the initiative has involved more than five hundred boys and girls with the small group methodology, with the aim of listening and involving young people in conscious information experiences through the administration of questionnaires and the creation of a street narrative workshop in the their places of aggregation and entertainment.

Project “Territorial Network of Naples: building the sustainable future of the territory together”.

Rut Foundation has started, with the technical support of Variazioni s.r.l, a research project which sees the involvement of 15 companies in Campania production sector and its collaborators with the aim of giving life to the permanent Social Laboratory, a space through which participating companies will be able to co-design functional responses with other stakeholders:
  • The well-being of people;
  • The development of the territory;
  • The competitiveness of companies on the market.

The starting point of the project is the need to identify and understand the needs of employees and their families, and therefore of companies, to arrive at the development of a proposal that can promote social cohesion in the territory of the City of Naples, and create a generative and inclusive territorial welfare system – also through the involvement of the local productive fabric.

Agreement between Rut Foundation and the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies of the National Research Council.

The agreement is aimed at encouraging collaboration between Rut Foundation, the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project and the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies for the implementation of projects aimed at:
  • Promote future literacy among young people in areas at risk through support for the organization of interactive imagination workshops based on the use of creative methods for social research, with particular emphasis on the video storytelling technique;
  • Methodologically support the development of the survey of the needs of young people in risk areas.

Social Research Project in Naples.

In order to enhance the good practices of social regeneration present in the Naples area, Rut Foundation has launched a research study in collaboration with the Opera don Calabria Study Center on good practices of social regeneration in the metropolitan area of Naples, with the aim of promoting a common culture of social welfare, which unites citizens in choosing the principles and values founding active participation, in the interest of people’s well-being (health, work, education, rights) and territories.

The first joint research project launched, entitled “Research of good practices of social inclusion in the field of educational poverty, support for women and reception in a post-pandemic scenario” aims to investigate and reflect on new models of inclusion that can be promoted when working in the field of social regeneration. The research project was launched together with local partners, including the Dedalus Cooperative, Third Sector Laity, EVA Cooperative, Savio Condemi Association, with the aim of enhancing a common culture of social welfare that unites citizens in the choice of principles and the founding values of active participation in the interest of territorial well-being.

The research has the final objective of developing the Ethical Charter of Social Inclusion, which aspires to encompass a set of ethical principles which may be expressed in different ways by the realities consulted; principles coming from the territory, which emerge from field research and aims to circumscribe the good inclusive practices already present, to make them scalable and replicable. As part of this research activity, Rut Foundation has created a memorandum of understanding for the Promotion of Active Citizenship and Social Inclusion, with the IV Municipality of the City of Naples, to carry out a listening and participation project with the Associations /Informal groups/Third Sector, to build the Register of Active Citizenship and the Council of Associations/Informal groups/Third Sector with the participatory planning method.

Nisida Workshop.

A series of workshops was held on the topic of the right to health, entitled “Health, absence of disease or better quality of life? The reflection of the children of Nisida on the right to health”, which involved the children of the Penal Institute for Minors of Nisida.

The results of this initiative were presented on 1 July 2022 at the Penal Institute for Minors of Nisida with an event, sponsored by the Municipality of Naples, entitled “Nisida: a meeting between research and territory for social regeneration”, moderated by Avvenire journalist, Eugenio Fatigante, in the presence of the former Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, of the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, of the Welfare Councilor of the Municipality of Naples, Luca Trapanese, of the Prosecutor’s Office for Minors of Naples, Maria De Luzenberger, the Director of Personnel of the Department of Juvenile Justice, Giuseppe Cacciapuoti and the Director of the Penal Institute of Nisida, Gianluca Guida.

As part of this research activity, Rut Foundation has created a memorandum of understanding for the Promotion of Active Citizenship and Social Inclusion, with the IV Municipality of the City of Naples, to carry out a listening and participation project with the Associations /Informal groups/Third Sector, to build the Register of Active Citizenship and the Council of Associations/Informal groups/Third Sector with the participatory planning method.
Study & Research

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