Dialogue on "Pacem in Terris" sixty years after the Encyclical of Pope John XXIII.
In a global context increasingly marked by situations of imbalance and conflict, the anniversary of Pacem in Terris, the encyclical written by Pope John XXIII in 1963, becomes an opportunity to reflect on how to concretely promote a culture of peace today, starting by young people and the suburbs.
We talked about it on Wednesday 13 December 2023, at Opera Don Calabria College, in the conference “Where is Pacem in Terris” organized by the Opera Don Calabria with the collaboration of Rut Foundation and Pope John XXIII Community Association.
The event was attended by: Don Massimiliano Parrella, superior general of the Calabrian Work, Laila Simoncelli, Ministry of Peace of the Pope John XXIII Community, Gianni La Bella, Community of Sant’Egidio, Alessandro Padovani, Don Calabria Foundation for Social Affairs, Alberto Capannini, Operation Colomba, Pope John XXIII community, Lorenzo Daniele, EASO, Gloria Mendiola, Migras Association.
Raffaele Buscemi of Pontifical University of the Holy Cross will moderate the debate.
Before the conclusion Giovanna Martelli, General Secretary of the Rut Foundation and Lorenzo Spinnato, Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Opera Don Calabria, presented the “School of justice, peace and integrity of Creation” created by the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Created (JPIC) by the Opera Don Calabria which aims to promote concrete experiences of peace in local communities, and especially in young people, through the sharing of paths on rights, justice, protection of the common good, ecology, integration and inclusion, charity and predilection for the least. Starting from the most difficult contexts, in which social wounds are greatest, such as in Casal di Principe where the first workshop of the JPIC school will be held.