Multicultural Dialogue

Digital Platform of Human Rights and Communication.

Rut Foundation in collaboration with IZI Lab is currently creating the first digital platform for Human Rights and Communication, a global network of people and associations – but also the physical and digital places to which they are connected – who intend to collaborate in order to give visibility to cases and local contexts linked to human rights violations against individuals and communities, as well as to good human rights defense practices spread globally.

For the creation of the Digital Platform for Human Rights, Rut Foundation adopts the Strategic Foresight methodology for the definition of the functions that will intervene, around the theme of exile, to a reconfiguration of the concept of human rights already expanded and redefined with the UN Agenda 2030. In particular, through the Strategic Foresight tool, a quantitative approach is proposed, statistical and qualitative also through a ranking of the countries at greatest risk for the violation of human rights.

Collaboration with "Roma Tre University".

As part of the agreement with Roma Tre University, Rut Foundation has activated two three-year research grants for the carrying out of studies in the areas:
  • South America: multidisciplinary research on social, political and economic dynamics on the structural causes of armed conflict and violence in Colombia in relation to the Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición (SIVJRNR);
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: anthropological research on the socio-cultural dynamics that define the institutional and humanitarian responses to gender violence in French-speaking West Africa in order to build an archive of memories and testimonies also in relation to migratory movements.

AOI membership.

Rut Foundation is a member of AOI, the largest Italian network of non-governmental organizations operating in the field of development cooperation. As part of the collaboration with AOI, Rut Foundation promoted the StopTheWarNow campaign in defense of Peace in Ukraine.
Study & Research

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