Rut’s story

Rut’s story might seem like a small family story, a life among many told and handed down over time. The story of Rut and her mother-in-law Naomi is first of all a story of women, foreign women, migrant women, women on the journey.

Their entire existence revolves around a tenacious dialogue with life that is typical of women.

Rut is young, very poor, a widow and what’s more she lives in a foreign country that considers her a stranger, an outcast, not even worthy of charity. As a widow she should be protected by her children, but she has none; she is an outcast in the village where she lives, because she is a foreigner, without any support.

His life seems to have no future like that of someone who lives every day as the last, as an excluded, as a social “unwanted”, as a migrant, as an oppressed person. And in this dehumanization of existence, History teaches that women are still the most marginalized, fleeing violence and poverty.

In her condition of affliction, which appears to have no way out, Rut chooses to travel with her mother-in-law to look after her, the same journey that migrants, refugees and excluded people face every day in the dramatic hope of finding a new life. Two women on a journey, bearers of solidarity, care and sisterhood, glimmers of a tenacious, audacious will that will lead them to redeem themselves and find freedom.

Rut. A name that has crossed history, bringing with it the courage to emerge from marginalisation, overcome the distances created by prejudice and non-inclusion. It is with this name that the Foundation was born, with the aim of producing studies and research in the field of promoting intercultural dialogue and social innovation, because we believe that models and tools can be researched and found to defeat inequalities and promote good inclusion practices.


Rut Foundation was born from the experience started by the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project with the aim of broadening the field of research and promoting social cohesion and intercultural dialogue…

Code of ethics

Promotion of studies, research and participatory action-research, in the IT and humanistic disciplines, through the analysis and study of the Hebrew, Italian and other European and Semitic languages…
Study & Research

Rut's areas